What to do the Week Leading Up to Your GRE® Test Score
Without proper training, the GRE® test can be extremely stressful.Test takers may be concerned about doing well on the exam and ultimately getting into the college program of their choice. The last week of preparation for the GRE® test is perhaps the most stressful. It is crunch time and the hours left to study are running out. Instead of feeling anxious, come up with a plan to successfully make it through the week before your GRE® test. Here are some tips to staying healthy and happy during the week leading up to the GRE® test.
Keep Reviewing Online Materials
The first step is to keep reviewing your online materials. EMPOWER Test Prep gives users a good study plan with a plethora of resources. During the last week of studying, do not overdo and try to cram everything in. Stick with the plan and spend time each day reviewing the materials. Trust that your online study plan has prepared you for the test and that there is no need for last minute cramming or all night study sessions.
Get Plenty of Sleep
The next step is to get plenty of rest. This is not the week to be staying up late. Aim for 7-8 hours each night. This will keep you well rested and healthy up until the day of the test.
Eat Healthy
Another important tip is to eat healthy. Sometimes in the midst of a long study session, people reach for junk food. It is quick, cheap, easy, and makes you feel good initially. In the long run, junk food will make you more tired and could increase your chances of getting sick. Instead, grab healthy snacks like fruits or vegetables and try to have several home cooked meals.
Last but not least, maintain an exercise routine during the week leading up to the GRE® test. Exercising causes the body to release certain endorphins which will lower stress levels and increase happiness. Whether it is a visit to the gym or simply a walk around the neighborhood, get moving!
The last week of preparation for the GRE® test can be stressful, but it does not have to be! First, trust that your online prep course with EMPOWERgre prepared you well. You have had access to an organized study plan and a lot of materials. During the last week, keep reviewing but don’t overdo it. Also, practice self-care by getting plenty of sleep, eating healthy, and exercising. Contact EMPOWER Test today for more information about training for the GRE® test.